Book Properties
ISBN: 0781719380
Title: Handbook of Pathophysiology 2000
Author: Elizabeth J. Corwin
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publication Date: 1999-11-01
Number Of Pages: 800
Average Amazon Rating: 4.5
Editorial Description: The Second Edition of this clinically focused and comprehensible handbook presents new information in the field of pathophysiology with an increased emphasis on cellular pathophysiology, and an entire chapter devoted to psycho-neuro immune response. Organized by body system, each chapter includes pediatric and geriatric considerations. This edition offers more illustrations, and information is presented in a concise outline format for easy reference in the classroom or clinical environ. Expanded whole description
Size: 5.15 Mb
Pages: 468
Format: pdf
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Handbook of Pathophysiology 2000
T.C. Anayasası (Son Haliyle)
Sürüm : 1.0
Boyut : 3.11 MB
Kullanım İzni : Ücretsiz (Freeware)
Dil : Türkçe
İşletim Sistemi : Windows (Tümü)
Üretici Firma : Orion Software
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T.C. Anayasası (Son Haliyle)
Boyut : 3.11 MB
Kullanım İzni : Ücretsiz (Freeware)
Dil : Türkçe
İşletim Sistemi : Windows (Tümü)
Üretici Firma : Orion Software
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T.C. Anayasası (Son Haliyle)
Siber Sözlük 1.5 TR
Siber Sözlük 1.5 (170.000 adet cümle ve kelimeden Oluşan Bir Sözlük + TÜRKÇE )
Sürüm : 1.5
Boyut : 9.70 Mb
Kullanım izni : Ücretsiz (Freeware)
Dil : Türkçe
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Sürüm : 1.5
Boyut : 9.70 Mb
Kullanım izni : Ücretsiz (Freeware)
Dil : Türkçe
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Product Details
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Publisher: Current Clinical Strategies Pub
ISBN: 1929622619
Average Customer Review: N/A
Format: PDF
Size: 300 KB Approx
Supplier: Amazon
Summary: This compact handbook features dosage, side effect, and drug interaction information for all psychiatric drugs. It includes information that is useful to the psychiatrist, internist, and student
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pages: 110 pages
Publisher: Current Clinical Strategies Pub
ISBN: 1929622619
Average Customer Review: N/A
Format: PDF
Size: 300 KB Approx
Supplier: Amazon
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